Notizon was made by 1 person, me! Hi! I'm Nate and I built Autograph Lab from the ground up over a weekend because I wanted a simple and fast way to generate a cool looking signature.
Most of the credit goes to the creator of the Bastliga One Font. Autograph Lab is very simple and also totally free for you to use.
If you would like to get in touch, you can email me at wwwnate!_@_!pm.me - just remove the @ and !
This site does not use cookies or even a login system, so there is no private info we are able to collect. All we can see is what you enter into the Enter Signature box. Autograph Lab stores a log of how many times the page is loaded for analytics, but that's it.
Special thanks to Madhaline Studio (the creators of the Bastliga One Font) and Tim Berners-Lee.
Thanks to you for using Autograph Lab!